ラングリッチ 28h Ces2

内容:TED スティージョブズのスピーチ script4

I will go to airport today.
so megu what is your name of the place is hometown?
hometown is name is Tottori prefecture. it's very far from Tokyo.
So you just have a vacation. It's why you're there in hometown.
Yes. Now is a spring vacation.I finished class and my research for graduation.
Wow. So you are now graduated student.
What is your course? What is your profession?
My major is biochemistry, Do you know?
Biochemistry. That't very difficult for me. Yes. When I went back to high school, familiarize all of the chemicals, I know what is very? symbol?each of chemicals and for me now all is very difficult how can I combine to chemicals and then you can read each to can all the only chemical and stucking my mo oxygen
maybe you are very good at research a protein and those stuff ok because can I help me what is best way to gain proteins to my body? What food should I eat? I am plegnant now and three weeks ago I went to my doctor. And there nurse told me. Can I see your hair? They told me I lacked proteins.What should I do? What can I do? I really don't know to gain my protein. It was really problem. This like hair horn?what kind of beans? OK, What else? I am a serious.