ラングリッチ 25h Danessa

内容:TED Mark Bezos: A life lesson from a volunteer firefighterのscript4~最後まで


downstairs [doun-stairz]
treasures [trezh-er]
vocation [voh-key-shuhn]
avocation [av-uh-key-shuhn]
generosity- [jen-uh-ros-i-tee]

My mother always tells me that I have to do my best in everything.
I grew up putting in my mind what my mother always tells me.
This made me work harder in everything that  I do that's why I feel pressure.
I learned that we should not wait.
We should do something for someone very soon.
We should give what we have.
"Don't settle."
My English speaking skills are not improving so maybe I need to try a new way.

The only person whom you should compete with is yourself.